Lithia & Driveway
Lithia & Driveway is a renowned American automotive retailer that has been serving the industry with its exceptional services over the years. Lithia & Driveway unveils a successful story of a business that started small and has now evolved into one of the largest and most successful automotive retailers in the United States. It operates as an omnichannel retail platform, offering both online and in-store customer services with an extensive range of new and used vehicles to meet diverse customer needs.
Lithia & Driveway’s mission - to provide customers with an honest, simpler, and more enjoyable buying experience. It emphasizes on empowering customers with complete transparency and unfiltered information about the vehicles, thereby facilitating an unparalleled buying experience. The company's expansive physical network comprises more than 200 stores across the United States. It also operates online platforms that serve car-buyers all over the country, thereby bridging the gap between digital convenience and in-person service. The Lithia & Driveway brand encapsulates trust, innovation, and excellent customer service. Its commitment to sustainability is reflected in its operations, from energy-efficient showrooms to water conservation efforts in its car washes. With a customer-centric approach, Lithia & Driveway continues to lead in the automotive retail industry by prioritizing customer needs and adapting to evolving market trends. This unique blend of traditional values and innovative strategies has cemented Lithia & Driveway's position as a leading automotive retailer, providing an exceptional service portfolio that caters to the diverse needs of modern car buyers.
Lithia & Driveway
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What industry is Lithia & Driveway in?
Lithia & Driveway is in the industry of Automobile / Vehicle / Original Equipment Manufacturing.
Who is the CEO of Lithia & Driveway?
Bryan DeBoer leads Lithia & Driveway as its CEO, overseeing the company's operations in automotive retailing and digital sales platforms, providing customers with a seamless car buying experience and innovative mobility solutions.
Who is the CFO of Lithia & Driveway?
Chris Holzshu serves as the Chief Financial Officer of Lithia & Driveway, guiding the company's financial management and strategies in automotive retailing and digital sales platforms, supporting its mission of providing customers with innovative car buying experiences and mobility solutions.
How many employees does Lithia & Driveway have?
As of 2023, Lithia & Driveway had 11975 employees globally.
Where is Lithia & Driveway headquartered?
Lithia & Driveway is headquartered in Oregon, United States.