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As a B2B sales professional, you understand the importance of having the right tools in your arsenal to drive success. In today's competitive landscape, where hitting your numbers quickly is crucial, leveraging the power of sales tools can make all the difference. These tools are designed to automate and streamline various tasks, from lead generation to customer relationship management, helping you increase efficiency, close more deals, and boost revenue.

In this article, we will explore the 12 best B2B sales tools that are essential for your sales process. These tools have been carefully selected based on their functionality, ease of use, and their ability to deliver tangible results. So, let's dive in and discover the tools that can take your B2B sales game to the next level.


SMARTe is a comprehensive sales intelligence tool that provides accurate and verified B2B data to fuel your sales motion. With millions of B2B contacts and the most direct dials in the industry, SMARTe empowers sales teams to target the right prospects with precision.

Key Features of SMARTe:

  • Contact Data: Access verified emails and phone numbers of decision-makers.
  • Company Technographics: Gain insights into every company's tech stack.
  • Company Firmographics: Target accounts based on size, location, industry, and more.
  • Data Enrichment: Keep your database clean and up-to-date.
  • Track job changes: Know when your prospect changes roles and get updated company and contact information.

For Whom SMARTe Is a Perfect Fit:  

  • B2B sales professionals who rely heavily on accurate and verified B2B data for prospecting and targeting decision-makers.
  • Sales teams looking to improve targeting precision and increase efficiency in their outreach efforts.
  • Businesses seeking to optimize their sales processes by leveraging high-quality contact data and firmographic insights.

Why Choose SMARTe:

  1. Efficiently priced: SMARTe has transparent pricing, ensuring cost predictability as you grow. With SMARTe you can save upto 50% of your data spends.
  1. Comprehensive Support: Real data experts are available to assist you.
  1. Real Mobile Numbers: SMARTe offers industry-best mobile number coverage in the industry, upto 70% mobile number availability in NA.

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2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Source: LinkedIn

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a sales prospecting tool that allows you to tap into the vast network of professionals on LinkedIn. With Sales Navigator, you can identify and connect with decision-makers, build relationships, and generate leads.

Key Features of LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

  • Advanced Search: Use advanced filters to find the right prospects based on industry, location, job title, and more.
  • Lead Recommendations: Get personalized lead recommendations based on your preferences and previous interactions.
  • InMail Messaging: Send direct messages to prospects, even if you're not connected.
  • Real-time Sales Updates: Stay informed about your prospects with real-time updates on job changes, company news, and more.
  • Team Collaboration: Collaborate with your team, share insights, and coordinate your sales efforts.

For Whom LinkedIn Sales Navigator Is a Perfect Fit:  

  • Sales professionals who want to harness the vast network of professionals on LinkedIn for prospecting and lead generation.
  • Individuals looking to build meaningful relationships, connect with decision-makers, and generate leads within their industry.
  • Businesses aiming to expand their network, explore new opportunities, and stay informed about industry trends and developments.

3. HubSpot CRM

Source: HubSpot

HubSpot CRM is a popular customer relationship management tool that helps you manage your sales pipeline, track interactions with prospects, and close deals more efficiently. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, HubSpot CRM is a favorite among sales teams.

Key Features of HubSpot CRM:

  • Lead and Contact Management: Keep track of all your leads and contacts in one place.
  • Email Tracking: Know when your emails are opened and track engagement with your messages.
  • Deal Management: Manage your sales pipeline, track deals, and forecast revenue.
  • Sales Automation: Automate repetitive tasks, such as email follow-ups and data entry.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Gain insights into your sales performance and identify areas for improvement.

For Whom HubSpot CRM Is a Perfect Fit:

  • Businesses of all sizes seeking a user-friendly CRM solution to streamline their sales pipeline and track interactions with prospects.
  • Sales teams looking to centralize lead and contact management, automate repetitive tasks, and gain insights into their sales performance.
  • Organizations focused on enhancing collaboration, improving customer relationships, and driving revenue growth through effective sales management.

4. Salesforce Sales Cloud

Source: Salesforce

Salesforce Sales Cloud is a market-leading CRM software that provides a complete solution for managing your sales process. With its robust features and extensive customization options, Salesforce Sales Cloud is trusted by businesses of all sizes to drive sales success.

Key Features of Salesforce Sales Cloud:

  • Lead and Opportunity Management: Track leads, opportunities, and sales activities in real-time.
  • Sales Collaboration: Collaborate with your team, share insights, and streamline communication.
  • Sales Analytics: Gain deep insights into your sales performance with powerful analytics tools.
  • Sales Forecasting: Forecast revenue, track quotas, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Mobile App: Access your sales data and manage your pipeline on the go.

For Whom Salesforce Sales Cloud Is a Perfect Fit:  

  • Businesses requiring a highly customizable CRM platform to manage leads, opportunities, and sales activities at scale.
  • Sales teams seeking advanced features, extensive customization options, and seamless integration with other business tools.
  • Organizations looking to optimize their sales processes, enhance collaboration, and gain actionable insights to drive strategic decision-making.

5. ZoomInfo

Source: ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo is a leading B2B contact database and sales intelligence platform. With its vast database of accurate and up-to-date company and contact information, ZoomInfo helps sales teams identify and connect with their target audience.

Key Features of ZoomInfo:

  • Contact Discovery: Find the right contacts within your target accounts.
  • Company Insights: Gain valuable insights into companies, such as industry, revenue, and employee count.
  • Real-time Triggers: Receive real-time alerts when key events occur within your target accounts.
  • Direct Dials and Email Addresses: Access direct phone numbers and email addresses of decision-makers.
  • Integrations: Seamlessly integrate ZoomInfo with your CRM and other sales tools.

For Whom ZoomInfo Is a Perfect Fit:  

  • Sales teams in need of comprehensive B2B contact data and company insights to identify and connect with their target audience.
  • Businesses looking to improve prospecting efficiency, enhance lead generation efforts, and expand their market reach.
  • Professionals focused on building accurate and up-to-date prospect databases, driving targeted outreach, and maximizing sales opportunities.

6. Pipedrive

Source: Pipedrive

Pipedrive is a sales CRM and pipeline management tool designed to help sales teams close deals more efficiently. With its intuitive interface and focus on visualizing the sales process, Pipedrive is a popular choice for small and medium-sized businesses.

Key Features of Pipedrive:

  • Pipeline Management: Visualize and track your sales pipeline from start to finish.
  • Activity Tracking: Keep track of calls, emails, and meetings with your prospects.
  • Sales Reporting: Generate reports to gain insights into your sales performance.
  • Email Integration: Sync your emails with Pipedrive and track email communication with prospects.
  • Mobile App: Access your sales data and manage your pipeline on the go.

For Whom Pipedrive Is a Perfect Fit:  

  • Small and medium-sized businesses seeking a visual and intuitive CRM solution for effective pipeline management and deal tracking.
  • Sales professionals who prioritize simplicity, visual representation of sales processes, and seamless integration with other tools.
  • Organizations looking to streamline their sales workflows, improve productivity, and drive sales success through efficient pipeline management.

7. Freshsales

Source: Freshsales

Freshsales is a customer relationship management software that offers a range of sales and marketing automation features. With its AI-powered capabilities and comprehensive functionality, Freshsales helps sales teams streamline their processes and close deals faster.

Key Features of Freshsales:

  • Lead Management: Capture, qualify, and nurture leads throughout the sales cycle.
  • Deal Management: Track deals, forecast revenue, and manage your sales pipeline.
  • Email Tracking: Know when your emails are opened and track engagement with your messages.
  • Sales Analytics: Gain insights into your sales performance with customizable reports and dashboards.
  • Workflow Automation: Automate repetitive tasks, such as lead assignment and follow-ups.

For Whom Freshsales Is a Perfect Fit:  

  • Businesses looking for an AI-powered CRM solution with advanced lead management, deal tracking, and sales automation capabilities.
  • Sales teams seeking personalized insights, automation features, and seamless integration with marketing and support tools.
  • Organizations focused on delivering exceptional customer experiences, optimizing sales performance, and accelerating revenue growth.

8. Zoho CRM

Source: Zoho

Zoho CRM is cloud-based CRM software that offers a wide range of features to help businesses manage their sales process effectively. With its customizable modules and extensive integration capabilities, Zoho CRM is a versatile tool for sales teams.

At the core of Zoho CRM's functionality lies its ability to streamline the b2b sales funnel journey. By empowering users to track and manage leads from initial contact to final conversion, Zoho CRM ensures that sales processes remain efficient and organized.

Key Features of Zoho CRM:

  • Lead and Contact Management: Track leads and contacts throughout the sales cycle.
  • Sales Automation: Automate repetitive tasks, such as lead assignment and follow-ups.
  • Sales Forecasting: Forecast revenue, track quotas, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Email Integration: Sync your emails with Zoho CRM and track email communication with prospects.
  • Workflow Automation: Automate business processes and streamline your sales operations.

For Whom Zoho CRM Is a Perfect Fit:

  • Businesses requiring a customizable CRM platform with lead management, sales automation, and forecasting features.
  • Organizations of all sizes looking for extensive customization options, seamless integration with other business apps, and user-friendly interface.
  • Sales teams focused on improving customer engagement, streamlining sales processes, and making data-driven decisions to achieve business objectives.

9. Outreach

Source: Outreach

Outreach is a sales engagement platform that helps sales teams automate and personalize their outreach efforts. With its powerful features and integrations, Outreach enables sales professionals to engage with their prospects at scale while maintaining a personalized touch.

Key Features of Outreach:

  • Email Sequences: Create personalized email sequences and automate your outreach process.
  • Sales Dialer: Make calls directly from Outreach and track your call activity.
  • Sales Analytics: Gain insights into your outreach performance and track engagement with your messages.
  • Seamless Integrations: Integrate Outreach with your CRM, email, and other sales tools.
  • Sales Content Management: Manage and share sales content with your team.

For Whom Outreach Is a Perfect Fit:

  • Sales teams aiming to automate and personalize their outreach efforts at scale, while maintaining a human touch.
  • Businesses looking to optimize email sequences, manage sales content, and track engagement effectively throughout the sales cycle.
  • Organizations focused on driving engagement, nurturing leads, and maximizing conversion rates through targeted and personalized communication.

10. Gong

Source: Gong

Gong is a revenue intelligence platform that uses AI to analyze and provide insights into sales conversations and meetings. With its ability to capture and analyze every interaction, Gong helps sales teams improve their performance and close deals more effectively.

Key Features of Gong:

  • Conversation Analytics: Capture and analyze sales conversations to gain insights and identify areas for improvement.
  • Deal and Pipeline Analytics: Gain visibility into your sales pipeline and identify bottlenecks and areas of opportunity.
  • Coaching and Training: Use Gong's insights to coach and train your sales team for better performance.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Gain insights into your competitors' strategies and learn from their successes and failures.
  • AI-powered Recommendations: Get personalized recommendations and insights based on your sales data.

For Whom Gong Is a Perfect Fit:

  • Sales teams interested in leveraging AI-driven insights to analyze sales conversations, improve performance, and enhance coaching efforts.
  • Organizations seeking a data-driven approach to optimize their sales processes, gain deeper insights into customer interactions, and drive revenue growth.
  • Businesses focused on continuous improvement, sales effectiveness, and achieving measurable outcomes through actionable intelligence.

11. Drift

Source: Drift

Drift is a conversational marketing platform that helps businesses connect with their website visitors and convert them into leads. With its chatbot and live chat capabilities, Drift enables sales teams to engage with prospects in real-time and provide personalized experiences.

Key Features of Drift:  

  • Chatbots: Use AI-powered chatbots to engage with website visitors and capture leads.
  • Live Chat: Have real-time conversations with prospects and provide instant support.
  • Lead Routing: Route leads to the right salesperson based on criteria such as location, industry, or job title.
  • Email Sequences: Create personalized email sequences and automate your follow-up process.
  • Sales Analytics: Gain insights into your chat and email interactions and track engagement with your messages.

For Whom Drift Is a Perfect Fit:  

  • Businesses looking to engage website visitors in real-time through chatbots, live chat, and personalized experiences.
  • Sales teams seeking to convert website traffic into qualified leads, provide instant support, and deliver personalized customer experiences.
  • Organizations focused on enhancing online engagement, increasing conversion rates, and driving revenue growth through conversational marketing.

12. Chili Piper

Source: Chili Piper

Chili Piper is a smart scheduling and appointment booking tool that helps sales teams accelerate the booking process and streamline their sales cycle. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Chili Piper enables sales professionals to book meetings and calls with prospects seamlessly.

Key Features of Chili Piper:

  • Instant Booking: Allow prospects to book meetings and calls instantly through your website or email.
  • Intelligent Routing: Route leads to the right salesperson based on criteria such as location, language, or availability.
  • Calendar Integration: Sync with your calendar to manage your availability and avoid double bookings.
  • Meeting Reminders: Send automated reminders to prospects to reduce no-shows and increase attendance rates.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into your meeting activity and track conversion rates.

For Whom Chili Piper Is a Perfect Fit:  

  • Sales teams aiming to accelerate the booking process, streamline appointment scheduling, and reduce friction in the sales cycle.
  • Businesses seeking a smart scheduling tool to facilitate instant booking, intelligent routing, and seamless calendar integration for meetings and calls.
  • Organizations focused on improving sales efficiency, enhancing customer experience, and maximizing opportunities for meaningful engagement.


In today's competitive B2B sales landscape, having the right tools can make all the difference in driving success. Whether you're looking to streamline your sales process, automate repetitive tasks, or gain valuable insights into your prospects and customers, these 12 best B2B sales tools are essential for your toolkit.

From comprehensive CRM solutions like HubSpot CRM and Salesforce Sales Cloud to specialized tools like SMARTe, LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Gong, each tool offers unique features and capabilities to help you close more deals, increase efficiency, and drive revenue growth.

Choose the tools that best fit your business needs and sales objectives, and start leveraging their power to take your B2B sales to new heights. Remember, investing in the right sales tools is an investment in your sales success. So, equip yourself with the tools you need and watch your sales soar.

Tanya Priya

Tanya helps B2B companies find, engage and close their ideal prospects through her prospecting and lead generation content. Here you'll find actionable tips, and advice about prospecting.

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All your questions, answered.

What is B2B Sales Tools?

B2B sales tools refer to software applications, platforms, or technologies designed to streamline and enhance various aspects of business-to-business (B2B) sales processes. These tools are specifically tailored to assist sales teams in prospecting, lead generation, customer relationship management, sales analytics, and other activities aimed at increasing sales effectiveness and efficiency in B2B environments.

What are some best b2b sales tools in 2024?

In 2024, several B2B sales tools have gained popularity for their effectiveness in enhancing sales processes. Some best b2b software are:  

  1. SMARTe
  2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  3. HubSpot CRM
  4. Salesforce Sales Cloud
  5. ZoomInfo
  6. Pipedrive
  7. Freshsales
  8. Zoho CRM
  9. Outreach
  10. Gong
  11. Drift
  12. Chili Piper

These tools offer a range of features, from CRM functionalities and lead generation to sales engagement and conversation intelligence, providing sales teams with the necessary tools to thrive in the dynamic B2B landscape.

Why use sales tools?

By using sales tools sales leaders can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency throughout the sales process. By automating repetitive tasks, meticulously tracking and analyzing sales data, and offering actionable insights, these tools empower better decision-making. Sales teams can strategically prioritize leads and seamlessly manage communication with prospects and customers, resulting in more impactful and streamlined sales efforts. Moreover, the adoption of sales tools fosters a professional and organized approach to the sales process, contributing to the establishment and maintenance of robust customer relationships.

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